Liara From Mass Effect 3

I’m not quite sure where to start this one; there’s no easy way to describe Mass Effect without playing it. As someone who has logged almost 300 hours of playtime for the series (judge me I don’t care it was worth it) I can tell you it takes place in the future where people fly around to different clusters within the galaxy and there’s aliens. I guess that’s all you need to know in order for this to make sense, but I STRONGLY suggest you just buy the games. The first two are probably $20 each now and you’ll get more satisfaction than you probably will from a month of World of Warcraft.

ANYWAY, there is a character named Liara who is an alien – an asari, actually. I recreated her in her Mass Effect 3 garb because there was something I really liked about the outfit. It’s weird, there’s is (what seems to be) a pretty high percentage of people who LOVE the asari, especially this character; I’m not one of those people. I don’t hate her, but if you’ve played the first game you’ll know what I mean when I say she’s naive, and her naivety enrages me in that game. You don’t really see much of her in Mass Effect 2, and by Mass Effect 3 you’ve formed relationships with so many awesome characters…by that point I just didn’t care about her anymore. The asari and their obnoxious omnipotence can eat dirt – compare them to the turians or the drell and they’re easily swept aside. If you’re me, I guess.

Liara Mass Effect 3

Yarn Liara

I made this up as I went and never wrote a pattern or really measured anything…it shows as her head is huge compared to the rest of her body; I wasn’t able to get her headcrest positioned correctly either. I think the proportions would look better if I had bigger eyes, but I bought a bag of 25 pairs and wasn’t about to buy more when I had that many laying around. Also, they are surprisingly difficult to find anyway.

Yarn Liara's uneven headcrests

Not sure who I’ll make next – my heart says Garrus, but I’m still burnt out with the headcrest so I don’t know if I want to tackle turian mandibles. Maybe Vega. I freaking love that guy. Or Blastos, because what the hell else am I going to do with the huge ball of pink yarn I have laying around?

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