Face Wash Using Oil Cleansing Method

If anyone has followed my blog since the beginning, or if you have trudged through the archives, you’ll recall my brief foray into the no-shampoo movement, where instead of using shampoo & conditioner on your hair, you use a baking soda-water mix as shampoo, and ACV-water mix as conditioner. I never stuck with it, because besides trying to use a watery substance as shampoo, I have such short hair easy hair that I never noticed any benefits. Also my current shampoo smells like Cocoa Puffs which is so much better smelling than that ACV rinse. (Try as I might, I cannot bring myself to use ACV for all the amazing health benefits, because it just tastes & smells SO AWFUL.)

With the advent of Pinterest, I’ve come across loads of other DIY beauty tips, and the oil cleansing method to wash ones face was rather intriguing. Partially because it was oil, and partially because my cleanser was something like $50 for a bottle (admittedly, a rather big bottle, but still). So when I finally got to the end of the cleanser I’d been using, I decided to give it a go, using the previous link from SimpleMom.net as a guide.

Now, oil seems counter-intuitive to wash your face with, but as the Tsh says, it actually makes sense – oil cancels out oil. This immediately made sense to me, and I probably averaged a B- in my science classes in high school. Since I tend to have oily/combination skin, I used 3 parts castor oil to 1 part olive oil. For some reason, actually finding castor oil was the most ridiculous part of this method. I wound up ordering off of Amazon. I mixed it, massaged it into my face, and used a hot washcloth to steam my face.


After only 2 days, I noticed my skin was less oily overall. Combine that with the cost, and this cleanser is here to stay for me. I think I might need to add a bit more olive oil, as my skin sometimes feels a little dry afterwards, but I’ll wait a few months because I can’t tell if it’s the mixture or the cold weather. The only con I have found to this is that it’s oil. That’s to say, if it gets in your hair, you will look like a greasy hobo. So, I only wash my face right before I’m about to get into the shower so I can be as messy as I want. (I’m not an overly messy person, I’m just lazy about being neat.)

If you try this and come across issues, or just want more information, the comments on the blog post I linked have great advice. I also exfoliate with either baking soda, or a mixture of honey and brown sugar, so I just need to find a mask that I love and I’ll be set. (By the way, the honey/brown sugar exfoliation is DELICIOUS when it accidentally winds up on your lips.)

Have you tried anything like this? Would you? If you have, what were your recipe and results?

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DIY Extras – Baking Soda Hair Wash/ACV Rinse

The “no ‘poo” method has become a bit of a craze in the past year or so. And no, it has nothing to do with constipation – it’s short for “no shampoo” and encourages people to find alternative ways to wash their hair. There are many reasons to be shampoo-free; for example, you don’t have to buy bottles of shampoo regularly. This saves money AND packaging, if you’re interested in being green and all that. There are many other reasons, which are outlined here.

The one that really made me want to try it was the bit about hair health. I have pretty easy hair: it’s not really fine or thick, it’s mostly straight, and it has no special needs. It’s also pretty short at the moment, so I just get out of bed in the morning and head to work without doing anything. So when I decided to try out this method, I didn’t go into it expecting miracles, but I DID expect something to change.

The most popular version of shampoo-free is using baking soda instead of shampoo, and an apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinse in place of conditioner. For what it’s worth, I got the baking soda at Target, but this is one of those things you can really get ANYWHERE. I purchased the apple cider vinegar at Pathmark because I didn’t find it at Target – I don’t think you’ll be able to find ACV anywhere but a grocery store. Anyway, both are known for cleaning properties, so this made sense to me. In this post about shampoo-free (which I used as my main source of information; it really answered any questions I may have had), it says that the general rule is one tablespoon of baking soda to one cup of water; this can be kept in an old shampoo bottle. Now, since this means that the resulting mixture is a liquid, I couldn’t really imagine how I’d be able to use it. WELL, I have short hair, which means I just kind of made a paste in my hand with baking soda and water while I was in the shower and massaged that into my head. As for the ACV rinse, I used two tablespoons of ACV and one cup of water and put it in an old face wash container.

Now, I used this method over the course of…about four months, I would say. And I have to admit, I was kind of disappointed with the results. I didn’t see ANY changes to my hair. Maybe this is a good sign, as it means it wasn’t very icky to begin with, but I was expecting SOME sort of pay off for my troubles. (Not that there were many troubles, it was always just sort of annoying to bring the baking soda in the shower with me when there was shampoo already there.) Also, the ACV rinse smells, which I expected so it wasn’t really a turnoff, but it probably is worth mentioning.

So here it is months after I started on this venture; what have I done? I’ve gone back to regular shampoo. It’s conveniently already in the shower and my hair looks and feels exactly the same. I do still use the ACV rinse; partially because, you know, I made it so what else am I going to do with it, and partially because I do like how it makes my hair feel. Ultimately it is worth trying if you’re open to new things, but for me it just wasn’t worth it to keep doing it. Just make sure you don’t tell your friends you’re doing it: I know mine didn’t really listen to me and just thought that my not using shampoo was gross. Charming, open-minded people, my friends are.