Castle Crashers Themed MP3 Player Case

After the demise of more MP3 players than I am willing to acknowledge, I am now in possession of my boyfriend’s Zen MX, as he procured a Zune HD and had no reason for it anymore. I’ve had this player for six months now, and even though it reboots itself for absolutely no reason, I still like it enough to feel the need to give it a home (other than floating around in my giant I-could-fit-10-dead-babies-in-this purse). To the crochet hooks!

I used a G hook for most of this, because the yarn I used (some random stuff I found in my basement) was a pretty light weight. Check your gauge!

Ch 15
Row 1: sk 1 ch, sc 13
2 sc in next, work around other side of ch
sc 13, 2 sc in last, sl st in starting sc

Row 2: ch 1, sc in same st, 1 sc in each sc around, sl st to join
Repeat row 2 16 more times.

(Don’t FO, but now would be a good time to sew on the buttons. It’ll come in handy when you have to figure out where the button holes will go.)

To continue! (I’m going to start row numbering again to make things easier, but you should be continuing from the main body.)
Row 1: Sc2tog, sc in next 11 st, sc2tog, ch 1, turn.
Row 2-14: Sc 13, ch1, turn.
Row 15 (for me): Sc 2, ch 3, skip 3 st, sc in next 3 st, ch 3, skip 3 st, sc in last 2, ch 1, turn.
Row 16 (for me): Sc in each st, FO.

Teeth (white):
Ch 13. Skip first ch, sc in next 12, ch 1, turn. Sc in each sc, FO.
To make the teeth lines, I used some sweet embroidery skills I remembered from when I was 12, but whatever it takes to make the zig zag pattern.
Once that’s complete, just sew it on where ever it looks best. For me, it was placed to cover rows 4-7 (from the bottom).

Feet (do this twice)
Attach brown yarn at the bottom corner.
Row 1-2: Sc 3, ch1, turn.
Toes: Switch to white, and sc2tog. Ch1, sc in sc2tog, FO. Repeat for the other toe.

Inside Ears:
With light brown, ch 4. Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next st, 2 sc in next 2 st, 1 sc in last 2 st. Switch to dark brown, sc in first 3 st, 2 sc in next 2 st, 1 sc in last 3 st, FO.

Now theoretically, you should repeat the process for the inside ears for and outside ear, sew them together so you can’t see the light brown from the back, then attach then on top. However, by this point I was too tired and anxious to finish this, so I didn’t bother doing that. But I’d recommend it! I also didn’t bother giving him a tail, because this just holds my MP3 player.

+2 to awesome!

This could easily be modified to hold any other sort of MP3 player (mine happens to be the size of a credit card…seriously), phone case, or whatever!

My project on Ravelry